

SHOCKING: 9 Reasons Why Ladies Wear Waist Beads - NaijaTiktok

Waist beads are traditional accessories worn by women around the waist.Its origin is traced back in African communities especially in Nigeria and Ghana.Here are some reasons why women wear waist beads.

1 . Sexual attraction
A majority of African women wear waist beads as a way to show sexual desire towards their lovers.Most women get sexually aroused when they see a woman with a waist beads on .In the current society ,women wear them for sensuality.

2 . Spiritual Healing
Some women are rooted deeply in spirituality . Spirituality is associated with certain waist beads to bring spiritual healing and growth. Also it brings healing and sanity in their lives.

3 . Dancing
Most African communities use waist beads when dancing . Such communities are the Turkana in Kenya and the Indian women.

4 .It boosts confidence
Some women claim that wearing waist beads gives them more confidence.It boosts their confidence.

5 .For fashion
In the current society models wear waist beads and rock with them on the runways in fashion events.

6 .Waist Training
Waist beads train women bodies in such a way their waists are synched. It makes them admirable.It is said that the beads shape your body , keep the hips accentuated and waist small.

7 . They are used to watch weight
Waist beads also guide or notify ladies if they are becoming fat or slim.

8 .For celebrating Cultural heritage
They are used as a symbol of origin to communities . They celebrate their culture. Certain communities have a particular waist beads that represents them.

9. Witchcraft
Some women wear waist beads to perform some charms such as to win a certain man to herself.Waist beads are used also to chase away bad spirits . However,this waist beads are those that are given by spiritual people who have performed charms on them.

The number of ladies that wear it is increasing but the way how people perceive it ,it is another thing entirely.Some people consider waist beads as Fetish items.People want to dissociate themselves from those who wear them.

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