Prostitutes, also known as commercial s³x workers in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state has decry low patronage.
Harrison Essien reporting from Akwa Ibom disclosed that the Prostitutes, due to low patronage, result from covid-19 pandemic, slash the price of their service in other to attract customers, which is not still coming.
Some of the Prostitutes who speak to newsmen stated that they usual offer short or long service, short service which range from N500 to N1000 is now N200 to N500, of which she said "yet they are not getting costumer as usual."
The lady who pleaded anonymous said that before, if their no customer's, in the afternoon, she see 5 customers, but when the business is booming, she usually see 10 men in the afternoon.
While in the evening it depending, if she see all night, at list that is she is going to spend the whole night with the man, which she said, she usually settle at N7k to N10k.
She pray that may the virus quickly leave Nigeria so that they can resume their normal business.
Harrison Essien reporting from Akwa Ibom disclosed that the Prostitutes, due to low patronage, result from covid-19 pandemic, slash the price of their service in other to attract customers, which is not still coming.
Some of the Prostitutes who speak to newsmen stated that they usual offer short or long service, short service which range from N500 to N1000 is now N200 to N500, of which she said "yet they are not getting costumer as usual."
The lady who pleaded anonymous said that before, if their no customer's, in the afternoon, she see 5 customers, but when the business is booming, she usually see 10 men in the afternoon.
While in the evening it depending, if she see all night, at list that is she is going to spend the whole night with the man, which she said, she usually settle at N7k to N10k.
She said since the outbreak of the virus in Akwa Ibom state, costumer has stop coming, she said she hardly see one costumer a day now.
She pray that may the virus quickly leave Nigeria so that they can resume their normal business.
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